It’s been a while since my last blog post… People say consistency is the key to success, as it helps form habits that build momentum. Being consistent with my blog has been something I’m struggling to do for a while now – but how consistent do I want to be?
Being Consistent
Do I want to blog every other day? Once a week? Once every other week? I need to set specific goals in order to hold myself accountable. Even if traffic decreases (thanks to AI, social media, and fast-changing technology, ha), I still want to continue blogging because I love reflecting back on all the adventures and things I’ve written as well as having something I can call my own! I am going to make it a commitment to blog at least twice a week.
Now that I have talked about my goal to be consistent with my blog, let me update you on what else has been going on in my life.
Life Recently
Besides trying to be consistent with my blog, I have been focusing on other aspects of my life as well. I have been doing a mix of Pilates, hot yoga, and cycling – waking up early every day to attend a workout class before work and then attending another class after work. This has helped me feel more structured and motivated. It’s so interesting how much discipline I have now because I incorporated fitness into my life. I have also been attempting to cook more often, drink lots of water, and be mindful of what I eat!
Trying to live a healthier lifestyle has been the biggest change recently. Besides that, everything else is relatively the same. I am still working at a coffee shop on the weekends and trying to learn as much about coffee and roasting as I can. Summer is our slowest season, so I have been working roughly 2 or 3 days a month. Additionally, I’ve been practicing singing, along with playing the piano. I want to be more musically inclined. I’ve been singing many Disney and slower songs that are in my vocal range.
As I reflect on what I want to do in life, there are some important life lessons that I have learned along the way.
Few Things I’m Learning in Life
I’ve been trying to take life one day at a time and live in each moment. It’s hard for me to take time to blog when I’m going through difficult moments in life. There are a few important life lessons that I have slowly, but surely, been learning along the way.
Being Sad is Part of Life
I used to hate being sad and being anxious. Because of this, I would do anything and everything to avoid being sad, but that’s not how life works. You shouldn’t run away from it. When we run from our problems or our sadness, it deepens and gets harder and harder to face. While it’s easy to run away now, sooner or later you’ll have to eventually face those problems and it’ll be so much harder to do. It’s easier to let it happen now.
Being sad is equally as important as being happy. You can’t have one without the other. It’s like yin and yang.
Seeking Happiness
I read this book about giving meaning to things that don’t love us back. For example, we attach value to things that cannot return love, such as money, a car, or a house. Material things don’t have any meaning, so in a way, it’s nothing. The book says that it’s not necessarily bad, but it’s just nothing.
This to me feels the same when seeking happiness. I used to seek happiness through shopping and while it gives me short-term happiness, I am then left with feeling nothing. Areas that I am trying to seek happiness from – friendships, family, hobbies, and communities.
These are what I believe will help me live a more fulfilling life!
Being Brave
Life is about being brave because being afraid will keep you from things you want to achieve in life. The fear of judgment from others, the fear of being wrong or making a mistake, or the fear of being a bad person. Most importantly, the fear of acknowledging hard truths to yourself.
These past few months, I’ve been sitting with my feelings, trying to find my happiness and being brave to find a more fulfilling life.
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