Tyler and I have been dating for a year now! It’s our one-year anniversary. Time flies – my apartment lease ended and I moved in the rest of my stuff with Tyler. I’m super excited to be officially living together now. We’re hoping to purchase a condo or townhome by the end of this year. Tyler’s apartment is not big enough for our stuff combined, haha.
We’ve Been Dating for a Year Now
We didn’t really do anything to celebrate – you know, with the pandemic and everything else going on. We planned on going out to a restaurant for dinner but ended up going to the food truck that our apartment office hosted. Tyler and I had a very eventful evening – just like every night. I’m kidding, haha. One thing that is happening – we will be spending next weekend in Sedona. We’ll be staying at the Sedona Rouge and I’m so ecstatic for our weekend getaway.
Besides our mini-vacation next weekend, Tyler and I got our photos taken by our friend, Randy – he was also one of the photographers at the bridal shoot for Bridal4theWin.
Additionally, I decided to also do a little interview with Tyler. We did a voice recording and I decided to transcribe it too for those who don’t want to listen. However, I would say that you can get a feel for our personality more over the recording!
How did we meet?
Tyler: We met on Hinge. We matched and you message me, “teach me how to play golf”. That was it.
Demi: That was it, and Tyler said, “Okay, tomorrow works for you?” or something along those lines. I said, “okay,” so we met at TopGolf.
What was your first impression of me?
Tyler: I knew you’re going to ask this.
Demi: Am I that predictable?
Tyler: I don’t know. I just felt like this was going to be one of the questions. My first impression was that you had a car with pink rims and I’m joking. I didn’t see that car.
Demi: That was not your first impression. That was probably your eighth impression.
Tyler: My first impression was that you’re young and you didn’t talk much. I didn’t know what to think and I was glad I thought to bring up New York because that brought you out of your shell a little bit – a tiny bit.
Demi: I came out of my shell when I started talking about work because you asked me what I did for work.
Tyler: Yeah, I had no idea what you thought of me because you were so quiet. Maybe you were unhappy or something – I wasn’t sure because you were just so quiet. I went to get water when we were waiting at TopGolf for the Bay and there was a little water stand. I walked over to get water and you just stood very awkwardly at the same spot and I had to motion for you to come over to it.
Demi: No you didn’t.
Tyler: Yes I did. That’s when I brought up New York at that moment, but you’re right. I brought up New York and you kind of came out of your shell a little bit. Then later you got really excited to talk about your job and about your negotiating tactics.
Demi: I remember at TopGolf when I first met you, I was like, “Oh, no, I’m still in college” and I haven’t really said anything about it yet. I think you asked me like, “Oh, where did you go?” – past tense. I remember in my head like, “Oh shoot, I have to tell him I’m still in college.” I think I tried avoiding that. Also, you know how when we reserve our bay, they text you when the bay was ready?
Tyler: Yeah.
Demi: You were checking your phone and I was in the middle of talking. I was like, “Excuse me?” But I didn’t say that because you checked your phone for like two seconds.
Tyler: Yeah, and one year later you still haven’t stopped talking.
When did you start liking me?
Tyler: The first game night I went to. Honestly, that really was when I first… When I looked at you and I was like…
Demi: “She’s so funny.”
Tyler: Yeah, because you were yourself around your friends and you were energetic and you’re totally out of your shell, again. And you just were totally in your element. And I felt comfortable with you up until that point, but I didn’t really see you in that… You were just so energetic that night and so happy. And I don’t know, you were just so giving to your friends and excited for your friends, to be around your friends. Honestly, I really can point to that as the first time that I thought, “I actually really like this girl.”
Demi: I invited you to game night a month after we started seeing each other, but you didn’t want to go.
Tyler: It wasn’t a month. It was like a couple of weeks.
Demi: It a couple of weeks. You could have fallen in love with me sooner if you had gone, but you didn’t.
Happy One-Year Anniversary!
Thanks, Randy, for these amazing photos. Randy Bui is an Arizona photographer that specializes in portraits. Definitely check out his work!
SundayDahlias says
Happy anniversary to you two!