Read my previous Boob Job Journey Pre-Op.
Today is the day! Ahh! I am so scared. This past week, I’ve been trying to occupy myself by going to California with my dad and working non-stop so I don’t have a spare moment to think about the breast augmentation surgery. I’ve heard stories of people having second thoughts or anxiety about the procedure, and the last thing I need is anxiety. My mom was kind enough to come up to Phoenix and take care of me. I mean, it’s her job as a mother to take care of her children, right? Haha.
The Night Before
I was advised by the nurse not to eat anything after midnight, but more specifically, not to eat anything 8 hours before the surgery. My boob job surgery was scheduled for 11 am so I couldn’t eat anything past 2 am. My mom finally arrived in Phoenix around midnight and she brought me some food! If you were wondering, she brought me Carl’s Jr. I typically try to stay away from fast food, but I didn’t have much of an option given how late it was.
I was like Cinderella running back home before the clock struck midnight except stuffing my face and chugging down water.
Last night, I had a dream that the breast augmentation surgery was taking place at a different location. In my dream, my mom and I showed up at this really rusty-looking building and after walking 4 flights of stairs down to the basement, that was where my boob job surgery was. There were brick walls and no sunlight to be found. It was scary lol. Luckily, it was just a dream. Maybe I ate too much food before bedtime. Oops.
The Morning Of
I woke up around 9:30 am, which was perfect. Enough time for me to take a shower and get ready, but not a lot of time to think of all the possible outcomes that could go wrong with this procedure. When I woke up, I was dehydrated. I cheated a little and took a small sip of water. Oops. I quickly took a shower and changed into comfy clothes. Took a quick Instagram video of me doing push-ups since it’ll most likely be a while until I can do them again. (I can only do 12 push-ups, so sad.)
During the car ride with my mom, I was extremely nervous. I told my mom that ever since putting my deposit down, I’ve been so wishy-washy about this whole procedure. One day, I’d wake up and want boobs. The next day, I’ll wake up and feel like I’m making a mistake. My mom said I get my indecisiveness from my dad lol.
Before I knew it, we had arrived at the office. AHH. I was so excited to show my mom the facility and the plastic surgeon that I had decided to go with. My mom and I both went into this room where I changed into a robe, put my hair in a net, and wore these nets things as shoes.
The Boob Job Surgery
Later, Dr. Carlos Mata came in and talked to me and my mom. I was still indecisive about what look and size we are going for. I wanted the high perky look (push-up look) but I didn’t want to go too big where it wasn’t proportionate to my size. During our talk, we decided to go with 405cc high-profile silicone under the muscle at the fold.

Moments later, I followed the nurse to the operating room. Before I entered the room, I told my mom to bring me back a Neapolitan milkshake from In-N-Out because I was starving. I laid down on the bed, and the nurse was strapping me down (you know so that I don’t fall and die lol jk). To the right of me was a big monitor showing a photo of my boobs (and my awkward spray tan that was fading lol) that was taken at my pre-op appointment. I looked at the ceiling and the lights, and I jokingly told the nurse “oh, this is like going to the dentist except for times 10.”
BOOM. Pitch black.
The next thing I know, I woke up. For some reason, I couldn’t open my eyes… Well, I didn’t try to open my eyes lol. I heard voices and started crying (not sure why lol). Then, I heard my sweet mother telling me that she got me a milkshake from In-N-Out but I was in no mood to eat or drink. From what I can make out (since my eyes were closed), I was in a wheelchair being pushed to my mom’s car. Vaguely remember getting in my mom’s car. I don’t remember the car ride home.
After Boob Job Surgery
How did I end up on the couch? Not sure! My mom told me that I cried the whole ride home, oops. Haha. Someone give my mom an award for taking care of me, please! Hours passed and I woke up around 7 pm.
Holy cow! I have boobs. I was sleeping at 45 degrees and it was not comfortable at all. My mother gave me around 6 pills when I woke up. One for pain, two for constipation, and one for antibiotics. There were also pills for nausea but my mom said that I probably won’t need them and the fewer pills, the better.
Waking Up
After waking up, I immediately went on social media to WATCH MY BREAST AUGMENTATION ON DR. SCOTTSDALE INSTAGRAM. AHHH. It was so cool. I screen-recorded the whole video that they had on Instagram. Apparently one of my boobs had weird nerves all over the breast. Dr. Mata put in 415cc instead of 405cc, which was totally fine with me since I heard that the boob greed is real. In case you don’t know what boob greed is, it’s when patients wish they would have chosen a larger-sized implant after their breast augmentation.
It felt like having my sister’s dog or an infant baby laying on my chest. Every time I was talking, I was soooooo out of breath. It. Was. Like. Every. Other. Word. I. Had. To. Inhale. In. Order. To. Speak. It. It was annoying.
Anyway, I spent the whole day on the couch and my phone. It wasn’t too bad, to be honest. The first 5 hours after surgery was the most brutal though. After a good nap and some pills, I was fine!
Oh, probably too much info but I was also on the third day of my period. Go me for wearing a really hefty pad otherwise, I would have been bleeding all over my couch. By the end of the night, I was able to get off the couch, go to the bathroom, and go to bed ALL BY MYSELF. It wasn’t so bad!
Anyways, don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter and check back next week for my one-week post-op!
Lourdes says
You are amazing writer, and doctor Carlos Mata is just freaking awesome. Glad you got your boobs done with him. Congratulations.
inony says
pics or it didn’t happen